Умер один из создателей “Смурфиков”


Гордон Брэссак скончался в Лос-Анджелесе после длительной борьбе с болезнью. Он был соавтором многих популярных мультфильмов.

В США на 69-году жизни умер один из сценаристов многосерийных мультфильмов “Пинки и Брейн”, “Черный Плащ” и “Смурфики” Гордон Брэссак. Об этом сообщил его сын Джеймс Брэссак в инстаграми.


“Мой отец любил смешить людей, и я очень благодарен, что его наследие живет благодаря множеству мультфильмов, которые он написал и сделал. Если вам нравятся мультики, посмотрите одну из серий “Пинки и Брейна” или “Озорных анимашек” и посмейтесь в его честь. Я знаю, что он хотел бы этого”, – написал он.




Words cant begin to describe how i am feeling right now. You were my mentor, my writing partner, my hero, my best friend, but most of all you were my Dad. I will miss you more than you will ever know. I knew this day would come but some how always thought that you would beat the odds and live forever, because thats what you did, you beat the odds. Thank you for everything you taught me. Thank you for being a story teller and instilling a love of stories into me. Thank you for making me watch movie after movie when i was little and asking me questions about them. Thank you for telling me I was going to be a filmmaker before I ever even knew what that meant. You meant the world to me, you always have and you always will. Ill always be grateful for being able to write with the best writer I ever knew, you, and i will cherish that film for the rest of my life. Ironically we both were writing that story about this moment today, and yet we never really told the other one. I love you dad, to the moon and back. Ill miss you always. RIP. For those of you reading my dad loved to make people laugh, and im very grateful his legacy lives on through the many many cartoons he wrote and made. If you like cartoons watch an episode of pinky and the brain or anamaniacs and have a laugh in his honor. I know its what he would want.

A post shared by James Cullen Bressack (@jamescullenb) on


Сценарист умер в Лос-Анджелесе после длительной борьбе с болезнью, уточняет издания Голливуд Репортер.




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